


#5 What makes a good life?

1. hindsight example:   Using hindsight a story can be told with a better understanding of all the contributing factors.  2. persistence example:   The few cases where the government is not monarchical, as in Arabia, seem to represent the persistence of every ancient condition.  3. dedicated example:   Once a benefit is established, it creates a constituency fiercely dedicated to defending it.  4. conflict example:   Of course, the ultimate responsibility for the present conflict without doubt lies with the aggressor.  5. bicker example:   Whenever the phone rings - about once every ten minutes - they bicker over who must answer it.  6. glamorous example:   The Hollywood film idols of the 1940s were glamorous figures, adored by millions. For more information, go to this  TED TALK  and enjoy!


#4 Your thought on the talk: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

#3 COVID: One year on

#2 English Learning Podcast

#1 Greetings